Distractions and mom guilt

Recently (ok more like 5 weeks ago) I started to put today’s story together. It was supposed to be done and dusted, then already but it wasn’t. Why?

Distractions. Constantly. Ranging from the mundane, like social whatsapps to the serious that cannot be ignored, like work, hubby and kids, responsibilities, birthdays, and have I mentioned work? And so the list goes on and on..

You get the drift, because you know mom, we as moms constantly juggle 10 open tabs, and no, we don’t always know where the music is coming from.

But how can we bat well in our innings, finish our race well or score that winning spot on the podium of life? (You can guess that I started writing this during Olympics, right?)

Honestly, I feel so overwhelmed most days. I want to do it all, but I don’t want to do all of it.

I want to plan and be super productive, but sometimes I wish someone else was the adult to call the shots for once. I want to “take the day” but I know I’ll feel too guilty if I do.

The solution: Honestly some days I know exactly what that is, for that day and other times, I seriously don’t.

But I do know this; Mom guilt is overrated. Yes some days we may feel we suck at our assignment, but we do not get to change it, because of our opinion on our performance. This time, this assignment, this purpose, will also pass, quicker than the blink of an eye.

God chose you to be your child’s parent, even before you became a parent. And He chose you, not because you are going to be perfect and faultless, but because you are His perfect choice for your exact children. No matter how many mistakes, no matter how many ups and downs, nothing changes that we were chosen for them and that gives us a little place of victory to operate from.

Even on the days that I might feel I’m dropping more balls, than I actually keep in the air.

This week mom and dad, perhaps you can encourage LadyB, by sharing your thoughts, in juggling the constant distractions, that make us feel guilty, overwhelmed and not good enough, every day.

Family Conversation Starter
This week ask each other: “What makes you feel overwhelmed?”

Until next time keep calm, because dinner is sorted with a little help from 

 Chill out!

   Chill out!